
The Battle for your Mind

Do you think your mind is your own? That your thoughts are yours and yours alone? Do you think you can think what you want? Well, better think again. We are in a battle for our minds, and the really sad part is that no one is even taking notice. We are just giving our minds away without even a second thought. The reality is that your perception of what is “real” and “true” is a very high priced commodity both commercially and politically. Because of this, a wide variety of techniques are used to sway your thinking in a way that benefits those who are paying for it.  Skeptical? Watch this and you will glimpse the very tip of a very large iceberg regarding manipulation and mind control. This was a real experiment and the results are obvious:

Just do a search on youtube for Derren Brown for many more examples. Derren uses various techniques to get his subjects to do what he wants, including subliminal suggestion, distraction and neuro linguistics. But a more potent technique – used on us daily – is simply fear. 


Fear is the number one source of mass manipulation. First, there is the ultimate fear – death itself. This is easy to exploit and is done so daily – most notably to gain massive power giveaways from the people under the guise of  “protection” –  from terrorism and a host of other non existent demons. Other fears must first be “seasoned” with advertising and public relations efforts – so we’ll be afraid enough to do what we are expected to do. Are you afraid enough of getting the Covid-19 that you’ll wear a mask everywhere and ultimately take an experimental vaccine?? Are you afraid enough of going to jail not to break any laws? Are you afraid enough of getting cavities that you’ll drink fluoridated water? You get the idea. Almost all control starts with fear. Fear is used as a weapon to rape your mind of its senses – and it is very effective. The point here is to first just be aware that it is being used. Then to recognize WHEN it is being used – and then to make a decision not based on fear – but on REASON instead. The media revolves around fear (just watch the news) and uses it to control the people. Look for the classic “problem (911 for instance), reaction (let’s go to war), solution (The Patriot Act)” scenarios – they are on-going and obvious once you understand the formula. The best way to avoid this is to simply STOP WATCHING TV. There is really nothing there that you need, and if there is anything really happening that is “news,” you’ll hear about it from somewhere else. 

Subliminal Messages

Other techniques are in play as well – of course. Subliminal advertising has long been in use as well as other subliminal messages – most notably on television (STOP WATCHING TV). It has been proven that the frame rate of television (30 frames per second) naturally puts people into a trance state, thus making them more susceptible to manipulation. There is talk of subliminals being embedded in every DVD that comes from your local rental store, and we must assume this is the case on Amazon and Netflix as well, although at this point I have no confirmation of that. Grocery stores have long used subliminals in their music to lower theft, and shelves and products are displayed to increase sales (cereals are on the lower shelves so kids can reach them etc.) There is too much to list here, but rest assured that you are at the mercy of subliminals in almost everything that you see and hear out in the “public.” Some recent examples are an image of a McDonald’s ad that was spliced between the frames of a regular TV show, and a news network (Fox?) flashing an image of McCain in the background before each show. While these two examples were brought out into the public for scrutiny, there was of course no punishment to the networks, who are always at liberty to just say they didn’t know about it. These things don’t just happen, they are planned and expertly implemented and are rarely ever noticed or discovered. We can only assume that 99% of what is out there subliminally affecting us is unnoticed and ongoing. Sometimes it is more obvious and still goes mostly unnoticed. They have even gone so far in Britain as to put cardboard cutouts of police officers in store windows! You can expect to see more of this kind of thing in the US as well. 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming – NLP

 NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, is the technique of using subliminal body language to create in the subject a predetermined response. NLP has been around for some time, since the early 70’s, and was started by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Bandler’s expertise was psychology and Grinder’s was linguistics. Together, they formed the beginnings of what has become an international movement utilized by such diverse fields as  management, sales, marketing, public relations, education, therapy, the military and police, sport, and personal development. (ref – Reg Connolly, Business and others are keen to learn these techniques and they are taught in seminars and workshops for a high price. NLP uses not only body language, but a host of other techniques, including mimicking speech, vocal tones, and personality type. The appeal of such techniques are the high level of effectiveness, the subliminal nature of their use and the ability to get the subject to do what you want them to do (buy your product etc.). You might be interested to learn that President Obama has been accused of relying heavily on the techniques of NLP. There are complete breakdowns of its use in his speeches prior to the election, and it might very well have been a significant part of his winning the votes of so many, when in reality he spoke very little about the policies and changes he was representing.

The use of NLP is akin to hypnotization – it uses the subconscious to get a pre-determined response. You can be sure that someone somewhere has used this technique on you, either at a seminar, on TV, or in some other situation. The more you learn about NLP,  the better you will be at recognizing it being used “live.” 


Disinformation is anything “reported” that simply isn’t true, or has no basis in fact. This is a huge area of manipulation and is used extensively to control not only what people believe to be true, but to sidetrack their research efforts as well. There is just so much misinformation and disinformation out there that one really has to let go of the “comfort” that what you hear on TV, read in the papers, or hear on the radio is real. Use your own research and observations instead. Get all sides – and use the internet as well. Get used to taking anything you hear from an “established” source (news media, NASA, US government sources etc) with a grain of salt – as they either have no idea what is really going on – or they aren’t telling you. You are told what they want you to hear – and nothing more. Beliefs are at stake – and what you believe is very important. There are some very fundamental elements in this area that are simply false – that you will never hear about. There is a plethora of “junk” science being touted as fact on such stations as the History channel, Discover Network etc. that we take at face value without question. There is so much disinformation that has been in the public for so long – that it is sometimes difficult to get any real truth or to get anyone to listen to any idea other than the established “fact”. A great example of this is the public relations effort to promote global warming. Facts notwithstanding – they are hellbent on convincing us that all of the weather anomalies and temperature changes are the result of this and that we are somehow the cause. Why is it important that we believe this? That is the question you should be asking yourself – not whether it is really happening or not – as the media effort is evidence of an intended manipulation of perception and belief. You will find the answer in this case to be WATER CONTROL. We need to be convinced that water will be the next scarce resource (due to global warming of course) and that we should expect it to be in limited supply in the future and tightly controlled. This is exactly what is happening now with the oil supply – all in the face of the largest oil reserves in the world on American soil. (   Look up Lindsey Williams – if the link goes down. All disinformation media campaigns will have some similar objective behind them having to do with limitation, conformity and control. They always do. So just ask the question – why is it important to them that I believe this? – and look for the answer in the form of some kind of control scenario.


Another very potent “mind control” technique is to simply keep you too busy and preoccupied with your day to day existence to do or care about much else. This has been very successfully implemented in the US. We are working longer with less vacation time than most other countries – and earning less and less for it. We have a laundry list of things that are “important” to us and need to get done – and it all requires a two income cash flow. People come home late and exhausted – with just enough time to fix a quick dinner of genetically modified packaged food and watch a little TV before starting the whole process over again. This allows for easy control of the masses – as they just don’t care what is being done outside of their little world, as long as that list gets completed, and all of the bills get paid. These are the “sheeple” – and you don’t want to be one of them, as harvest time eventually comes on all farms. Getting out of the pen requires effort, and motivation. Not everyone has it – nor wants it. But the rewards for doing so will be significant, if not downright life changing for those willing to leave the flock.

Understand that the techniques that are being used on the mind have only one purpose in the long run – and that is conformity. The pen spoken of in the previous paragraph is getting smaller by the day – and there is less and less room to move. Eventually – there won’t be any room – as everyone will be jammed into a small space of “rules” which must be obeyed. Conformity is a key element to having a very small number of people rule a vastly larger number. This is not a localized phenomena – it is a global one – and in fact the US in many respects is behind the conformity curve in relation to other countries – especially Europe, but Britain in particular. Eventually – the entire planet will be under one rule – with one basic set of rules for every person on it – regardless of location or “country”. 

Understand this also – and this is important. The vast majority of people on this earth will simply comply with what is coming. Don’t expect anything different. We are past the point of doing anything like a “revolution” or some such – although you may see this kind of effort in more than one instance. I am not saying that you should not participate in such an effort if you feel so inclined to do so. But I believe that the change we need will be coming from a large number of individuals all working on the same things independently. This will be our power – each individual taking responsibility for oneself. In this respect then – here are some things we can each do to “buck the system” of manipulation and control of our minds:


This is the single most effective thing you can do – as it completely takes away one of the most potent control mechanisms available to them. Not hearing the endless stream of half truths, disinformation and misinformation from the media allows one to research the real truth or to at least seek other views and opinions. This also negates any subliminals that might be coming through. An added benefit is simply MORE FREE TIME. The average person spends hours and hours each week in front of the TV – and that time could better be used doing just about anything else. This also will be one less bill you will have to pay (and cable now days can be expensive) while at the same time cutting off the funds for continuing this kind of disinformation, junk science, faux news etc. NOTE: Have you noticed the switch to high definition digital TV? They are desperate to get everyone switched over to the new technology. If you don’t have a new TV – then you can get a black box that will do the conversion. I have heard a theory that all of the new TV’s in production have circuitry built in that allows use of the speakers as microphones (two way signals) and maybe even the screen itself as a means of viewing the inside of your home remotely. It is NOT necessary for the set to be turned on or even plugged in for these technologies to be used – it just needs to be connected to the digital cable. I believe that this kind of technology is absolutely viable and that the digital signals they are switching to facilitates its use. Again – my advice: CANCEL YOUR CABLE.


Start getting your information from the internet – not because it is better or more accurate – but because there are always both sides to any issue available. You are not limited to what you heard on the tube – you can just do a simple google on any topic and get what you need. Another benefit is getting news from outside of the US – you will find it is not what we are hearing over here. CAUTION: The internet is not what it used to be. Giant companies like AOL, Google and Yahoo basically control all of the information on the net. Some things are simply filtered out by the Google search engine for instance – even though it might be relevant to your search. Use more than one search engine and try searching using various key words. ALL OF YOUR SEARCHES ARE TRACKED. If you want to keep any element of privacy on the internet – then expect to spend a little time and effort setting that up. There are programs to hide your IP address and search engines that erase your searches (try Just be aware that key words and the searches done using them can be turned over to the “authorities” by Google – and have been. Welcome to the future.


Instead of getting distracted working 70 hours a week so you can buy things and pay for your “lifestyle” – try trimming it down and simplifying. The more you can depend on yourself to get what you need – the better off you will be and the more independent you can become. I have a neighbor who started a bio-diesel co-op, for instance, and makes his own fuel for $1.20 gallon. A small garden can create an excess of food that can be canned for later. A bicycle can get you to town and back for free – while giving you some needed exercise. Not depending on a grocery store to be constantly stocked for you will put you in a position to stay at home while the vast majority of the “sheeple” head for the nearest food distribution center (already being coordinated with Walmart through Homeland Security) where they will be tracked, tagged and eventually hauled off to government camps (already set up and waiting – every state has at least two). No – you won’t hear these kinds of details on TV – but the information is out there and it is indisputable.


Find out who in your neighborhood gets a clue. You are not looking to convert a “sheeple” – for that person will be the first one knocking at your door looking for answers and a handout. Find people who understand what is going on and who you can trust to help one another in times of need. One person may have water access – another may have a good patch of garden land, another may have other resources that can be used. The ultimate goal for those running America is to have the people volunteer to surrender their guns, and to show up at the food centers – where they can be catalogued and “managed”. OUR goal is not to show up. That means having a network of like minded people who will stick it out – without government help. They don’t have enough room or food for everyone – and will be too busy with those clamoring to be taken care of to bother those already prepared. It’s never too soon (or too late) to start getting prepared – and a good place to start is with like minded people!


Stop letting technology do everything for you. Read instead of watching a video. Play games like scrabble etc. that require you to actually think. Do simple math in your head instead of with a calculator. The less we use our mental “muscles” the weaker they get. The less capable you are of thinking for yourself and using your mind – the more you will depend on others to do it for you – and they may not have your best interests in “mind”!