
What Was – What You Need to Know

In order to understand where we are going, you need to understand where we are and where we’ve been. What you need to know starts with a very basic premise: 

For many years there has been a silent war going on – and we are the enemy. 

It’s really not a war to kill everyone (although that may be the result), it’s really a war about controlling everyone. As stated before, this is a secret war, so you aren’t supposed to be consciously aware of the control being used on you. After all, it is much easier to win a war that the other side doesn’t even know is happening. However, current events are designed to make it overt, so that just about anyone can observe for themselves that their interests are not being served, and that they are slowly being cornered into a trap that they can never escape. Don’t worry though, there is a plan to move us forward and out of this trap.

So who is doing the controlling? That is a deep subject, and more than I want to cover here. Obviously no one in the public eye, as they are already in control of those people. Let’s just use the generic “Deep State” cliche that has been going around – as it really isn’t that important who is doing it, although a little research will reveal that there really are a small hand full of families who have been ruling the planet via economics (the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs et al). More important is waking up to the fact that it is happening and accelerating as you read this. Right now, awareness is the most important thing for people to gain.

Again, this isn’t a war you will win with brute force, legal maneuvers, or avoidance behavior. The only way to fight this is with conscious awareness.  That means we have to actually wake up and begin to train ourselves to create our own reality, regardless of what appears to be real from the external image of it. The frantic push for control is happening now because so many are waking up so fast, there is a race to get as many under control as possible before they have a chance to do anything about it. I have separate pages outlining some of the various means they are using to accomplish this (see the other articles), and if you find yourself skeptical that some of these things are in fact happening, then consider that a clear indication that you have not been paying attention, for these things are readily observable. It is the underlying motivation that is in question, and you can of course choose to believe what you want. I am not here to necessarily prove anything to anyone, as I said it is readily observable, but here is something everyone should read and take seriously. It was apparently loaded into the memory banks of an IBM copy machine that was sold into the public from a government source, judging by the nature of the document it contained. This was in 1987. Take that into account as you read the document. What has happened in the last 30 years that might corroborate the contents of this document? Here it is as a downloadable PDF:

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Summary of link above: 

There is an ongoing “program,” started in 1954,  that uses an advanced mathematical algorithm derived from tests in the aerospace industry having to do with vibrations to an airframe created from missile launches. This algorithm was successful in predicting the behavior of the airframe under specific conditions, allowing design engineers to create suitable airframes for launching missiles in flight without danger of sympathetic vibrations from the launch disintegrating the aircraft. It was also discovered that this same algorithm could be used to predict the behavior of large numbers of people under specific conditions. It is a simple matter of “shocking” the subject and then collecting the resulting data to feed into the algorithm. By doing this repeatedly, the data becomes more and more accurate until the outcome of any given shock can be completely and reliably predicted, just as in an airframe. Many different tests have been concluded. It is safe to say, that at this point with current computers, they are fully capable of accurately predicting the outcome of just about any shock. Such tests would include small things like a spike in gas prices, to larger events such as hurricane Katrina, the 911 attacks, and virtually any other social event. It is a sobering picture.

However, understanding the nature of this “war” is imperative to properly responding to it. The first step in getting this understanding is the skill of observation. Most people just aren’t looking at what is going on. We are too frightened to face what we might see. So this is the first step. See what is going on, otherwise there is no way you can take any appropriate action to create something different. You can ponder the underlying significance, motivations, and consequences later, first just take a moment to start seeing what is happening from a purely factual state. This sounds easy, but I assure you it isn’t. That’s because one of the foundational control mechanisms in place is what I call the mirror effect. Just about everything you hear and see in the media and from the government is really just the opposite of what is really happening. You can see what is going on, but it is a reflection of the truth that is distorted and turned around.

There are just so many examples of this. Take our currency as a great example. We think of it as money, but the reality is that it is simply evidence of debt (our government’s debt to the Federal Reserve, a private bank) that we pass around as though it actually has value. I still talk to many people who think our money is backed by gold or similar, which has not been the case since 1933. In this example, like so many others, the opposite of the current belief is the truth, and the belief itself is false. Our whole reality is laced with these mirror effects, and most people are so used to seeing the opposite reflection, that they now believe that the reflection itself is the reality instead of what is being reflected. They want you to focus on the reflection to the point of not noticing the mirror itself.

So in observing the reflection, ask yourself some pointed questions. What would the exact opposite of that look like? Could this be the opposite of what I am seeing? Who is benefitting from this? You get the idea. Begin to recognize the reflective nature of what is being shown and begin to translate that reflection into a corrected image that makes sense. Getting to the point of translating the image to its natural un-reversed state is where it hurts them the most. It takes away their secret, and leaves them unhidden. There will be many examples of this in the coming months, as more and more transparency reaches the public about what has been going on.

Once you can see the truth of the situation, then you can begin to put energy into consciously undoing it. Not physically, but metaphysically. They already have full control of the physical. They are now working to gain the metaphysical as well, a much more difficult task. We have the power to realign our reality to whatever we want it to be. But it won’t be done as we have done it in the past. It will be much more passive, and will require a much more powerful understanding of the self, the game we are here to play and the rules we have agreed to. We are not allowed to rail against the machine, it’s against the rules of the game and just empowers the enemy. We have to use the skills and power we have been given and use them inside the rules to achieve our ends. We can do this, and there is nothing they can do to derail us. Our advantage is much more powerful than a physical advantage (we don’t have that), and can be used in any physical situation to recreate that reality.

You may have been feeling a pressure to grow personally (I know I have felt this) and I think that is no coincidence. We are being forced into it as part of our experience here. Some will hear that call and push forward, some will hear the call and not respond, and some are not being hailed at all. This site is for those who are hearing this call and are responding to it. We have a wild ride ahead, and I am not referring to just a physical ride, but a spiritual ride as well. Remember to keep it fun regardless of what the physical reality is reflecting. Where the ride takes us is ultimately our choice – if we are awake and aware enough to make it.