
The Battle for your Body

The Battle for your Body

Your physical body is considered property of the State. 

That’s crazy you say? Did you ever consider the fact that each body has a registration certificate – filed with the state, and that every “body” has a state issued number associated with it? You literally cannot take “your” baby out of the hospital without a number having been assigned – they won’t let you have it. There are certain people who have tried – and had to sue the hospital for kidnapping to get their child. The only way to have a child in this system without someone issuing a Birth Certificate is to have it at home. That’s because – to the government – we are like cars or any other registered property. Unregistered property cannot be controlled or taxed, and must be either destroyed, or brought into the “system.”

You may have heard that Social Security is voluntary, and that you are not required to get a number to work in the US. If this is so – then why all of the drama over using the number for everything from your credit report, to income taxes, to bank accounts  to cel phone bills? Can you really survive in this society without one? Is it possible to erase the number from their system? Why all of the hoopla over what is supposed to be a “Social Security” ID and nothing more?

Answer: It is the State’s registration number of “your” physical body. 

While I don’t want to get too in depth with how this system came to be, it is important to have a little background on what it is and why it came about. The most important thing to understand is that the system itself is Corporate, and the government is really a Board of Directors for what has become a corporate government. While this applies to all countries world-wide, I will use the U.S. as the example here. While our country began as a republic, uniting a group of states under one government (the Republic of the United States) in 1871 foreign bankers made a deal with the leaders of the United States government to create a corporation called the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. The reason for this was to free the government from the restrictions of the constitution, fully fund the new corporate government and to allow the creation of other corporate entities that they could control. Fast forward to today, and you will see that all 50 states are corporations, as are all cities, counties, court houses, and virtually all “public” entities. The Birth Certificate is their creation of a corporate fiction to represent you in commerce in their system. Maxim of Law – “What you create, you can control.”

Every “resident” of the State – whether born here or by immigration – has a parallel fiction created by the State which all commerce will be done through for that physical body. The fiction is like a mini corporation – a trust actually – and is identified by the Social Security number. You cannot erase the number from the system, because technically it isn’t “your” number – it’s theirs – and it is the registration number of the fiction they created to represent your physical body in the “system.”  Since all of the money mandated by the Constitution was done away with in 1933 (as part of the New Deal), even the money we use is a fiction. In order for the economy to have enough fictional money for the people, the Birth Certificate is printed as a Bank Note on Bond paper (check yours for the words “Bank Note” very small along the edge), and the amount of money you are expected to earn in your lifetime is printed up and put into circulation. The debt created by the issuance of that currency (by the foreign bankers through our central banking system) is now yours to repay (income taxes etc.) and you will work the rest of your life to repay it.

Understand that the “system” itself is a fiction – and can only deal with other fictions. Let’s take a car as an example. Notice that every car has a vin number in the dash – by law. Along with that number is issued a certificate of “title” for that car. The car itself doesn’t interact with the system – only the paper representing the car does – and the number associated with that car. The system cannot even “see” the real car, it can only deal with the paper, so if the car doesn’t have any paper to go along with it, it is invisible. This is why there is a vin number on the dash – so they can round up the “invisible” cars and issue new paper for them. Without that number – they wouldn’t have any way of issuing the paper and thus controlling who is using the car. 

People are harder to track than cars – but they have become incredibly efficient at doing just that. What they want to do is have a number on the “dashboard” of every person on the planet. They now have the technology to implement this – it’s called the Verichip – and implants a permanent chip under the skin from which all information regarding that person can be read. This has been updated recently to include nano chips that can be inserted via vaccines (as one example). This would solve their problem of any “invisible” people who don’t have up to date paperwork. A bar code to the forehead would work just as well. Understand that only the paper is visible in their system. Everything that happens in commerce is through some piece of paper. A lawsuit, a tax bill, a Social Security check, a traffic ticket. It’s all paper referencing the number of the fiction (representing you).

Understanding how the system works, and understanding that all of your interaction with that system is by commerce and through fictional entities on paper, allows you to take charge of your “fiction” and separate yourself from the system. An understanding of this system and how it works is the basis of the Sovereignty movement in the U.S. and is spreading world-wide. In a nutshell, the idea is that the original republic is still in existence, it has just been largely abandoned in favor of the corporation. Understanding that you are a living soul, and not a corporate entity, allows you to choose which system you want to be a part of. Knowing this information may become extremely important in the future as far as having control over your own physical body. If things continue as they have been, you may have to fight for your right not to be medicated, vaccinated or otherwise coerced against your will.

Guess who has more of their own people incarcerated per capita than any other country on the planet? It’s the UNTED STATES corporation. China has a billion people in their country and only 100,000 are in jail (granted many of their prisoners end up dead).  We have about 3-400 million and have over 2 million incarcerated. The reason this is important is that prison bonds are sold into the “system” as securities and can be very profitable to companies that deal in them (Wal-mart has been found to be dealing in prison bonds – maybe that has something to do with their success?). The more people that are in jail – the more potential profit can be made trading the bonds associated with those prisoners. All U.S. courts are actually “banks” and all “charges” in a case are actually “bills” for money. If the defendant cannot pay the “bill” – then a bond is sold to pay it for him – and his body is confiscated as collateral for the bond (he goes to jail). This commercial system of monetizing humans has become world-wide and is used in virtually every country with a central bank. There are currently only three countries in the world today that are not part of the central banking system – North Korea, Syria and Iran. Ponder that.

The State has control over your body via the paperwork associated with it. Using the fiction’s number and commercial paperwork (laws, statutes and codes), the State can take your children, force you to go to jail, require you (and especially your children) to get a vaccine against your will (which could include a microchip), and control the food available to you, as well as what is in the water you drink. Through such organizations as the Food and Drug Administration, American Medical Association, Center for Disease Control and more recently world organizations such as the World Health Organization, the State can make medical decisions for you and decide whether or not you should have access to certain foods, drugs, vitamins and herbs (see the Amazing History of Hemp – now deleted on Youtube). Not following their decisions allows them to put your physical body in jail – where you will have no choice. Lookup Codex Alimentarius – you will be stunned to see that Codex pertains to every bite and kind of food traded internationally and allows high doses of pesticides, veterinary drugs, synthetic hormones, contaminants, artificial sweeteners, and other dangerous compounds and processes (like mandated irradiation of food) while it forbids health claims for food.

Then there are the things you never hear anything about – like chemtrails (look these up, a long standing military op of spraying our atmosphere with nano particulates), electromagnetic waves from cel phone towers, HAARP (weather manipulation), fluoridated water (do your research–fluoride is a certified rat poison) and vaccines. The vaccine issue is heating up right now due to the Covid scare, and the current version is not even a vaccine, it’s an mRNA serum that literally changes your underlying DNA. It is untested on humans and unapproved by the FDA, genetically modifies people, and yet is being administered worldwide for Covid-19. Will it be a requirement?

Unfortunately, we are considered to be cattle on a very large commercial farm – and while before we were “range” cattle without a fence – we are now slowly but surely being rounded up and contained. Look up Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 21) and see what they have planned for us. They want the world for themselves, and us contained in “pack em and stack em” cities with most of the land off limits. This is real and is happening now, even at the most local levels.

Things You can Do:

1. Take charge of your health. Healthy people are less dependent on outside sources – like doctors, hospitals, and medicare. Healthy people don’t rely on prescription drugs (supplied by an outside source). Take charge of keeping yourself healthy without outside support. There are many home remedies out there, and many more that are outside of the medical industry “box” of drug treatment. Examples include colloidal silver (you can make this yourself), Rife technology (machines that use a combination of wave frequencies to destroy any virus as well as cancer cells), orgone energy accumulators, as well as preventative devices such as EMF shielding. Hemp oil has been known to cure cancer. Hydroxychloroquin cures Covid-19 and can be ordered on line. Do your research!

2. Take control of what you put into your body. Think about what you are eating and drinking, and consciously take action to make it only what you intend. Off the shelf products contain everything from aspartame, to fluoride, to MSG (labeled as “spices” in everything you can imagine) to pesticides and more. Just say NO to genetically modified foods (look at the little stickers on your produce – a 9 is organic, a 4 is traditional (pesticides) and an 8 is GM (genetically modified) DON’T BUY 8’s! Read labels and buy organic as much as possible. Be very cautious with vaccines. Despite what the “experts” say, you are just as likely to be negatively affected by the vaccine as the “danger” you are being vaccinated against. The new Covid vaccine is particularly worrisome as stated above. Use HCQ instead. This is especially important now that implants can be shot into you through a needle without your knowledge. Gulf war syndrome is a great example, as most believe this to be caused by the vaccines given to gulf war troops. There are laws exempting you AND YOUR CHILDREN from forced vaccinations, for now at least, even when traveling to foreign countries that “require” them. Do your research.

3. Stop believing that nothing is affecting you. The mainstream media is great at convincing people that modern technology is safe – they have to in order to keep the corporate wheels spinning. The facts are always a different story. By now most people are aware that cel phone signals are harmful, including those that come from the towers. But there are countless other things that are affecting us that we rarely consider harmful. As an example, millions are breathing contaminated air at work and at home. A simple air purifier can rectify this. The same goes for water. Many communities are already adding chlorine and fluoride, and some are even considering lithium – a drug used in psychology. We are told that water from the tap is safe, but do you really want to ingest something that is not under your control?  You can take that control by simply running your tap water through a good water filter (make sure it gets the fluoride out). You can dictate what you eat, and you can also control what EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies – ie microwaves, etc.) are getting through. There are special fabrics and shields for computers, cel phones and more. You can still use an ethernet cable instead of wifi, and a corded phone instead of a cordless. I’ve already mentioned vaccines, but the same applies to ANYTHING you are not 100% in control of. Find out what’s in it before it goes into YOU.

4. Control the paperwork associated with your “number.” Remember that it is ultimately ALL about the paperwork. Control the paper and you will have ultimate control over what happens to you and your body. The Redemption process (also referred to by other names, like Beneficiaries in Common) is designed for you to take control over all of the paper associated with your “fiction” and the number associated with it. Accepting the Birth Certificate and returning it to the Treasury Dept. is “cashing” the check that was made out to you upon your birth, and will zero your liability for repaying the money that was printed for you to “earn” over the course of your life. Study this and master it, and you will be in a position to be the “creditor” on any “charge” that they are making against you. See Winston Shrout, Jack Smith, Victoria Joy, Sam Kennedy and others for more information.

5. Find ways to increase the amount of your free time. Only with free time will you ever have the ability to research and act on what you know. The system is set up to keep you occupied 100% of the time, with either work related activities or some kind of entertainment (ie TV for most people, sports are a great example). Strive to earn more while working less, you do not have to be a 9-5 slave for some company to survive and thrive in America. Having said that, though, if you live close to work, like your job and are making a decent wage and really get off at 5:00 PM – you have all the time you need to do the research and act on it accordingly. 

6. Consider not starting a family. REALITY CHECK – there is no requirement that you have children, and if you don’t feel inclined to do so THEN DON’T. Raising a child can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be used to distract you from doing other things. Children are encouraged due to the MONEY that is needed from the issuince of the Birth Certificate to feed the machine, among other reasons. I am not saying people shouldn’t have kids – some absolutely wouldn’t have it any other way – and that’s OK. But it is also OK NOT to have them, despite what is politically “correct.” The physical need for children is your body talking, not your spirit!

7. Get familiar with the 2nd Amendment and what it means. The fundamental purpose behind the 2nd amendment is not for personal self defense – although that is an obvious benefit of having and knowing how to use a firearm. It is actually a buffer for the people so that in the event it is necessary – as a last resort – they could protect themselves from their GOVERNMENT. NOW do you understand why it is so important for the “government” to limit, restrict and ultimately ban guns in every state (and in every country)? As part of taking personal responsibility for your body, you owe it to yourself and to the rest of the people of America to have a firearm, ammunition, and the knowledge and fortitude to use them if necessary, both in a personal self defense situation, and in defense of the people. I am not a “right wing gun nut,”  but it is not hard to understand where our gun rights are headed, it has already happened in England, Australia and Canada. The second they disconnect this right, by whatever means (they have already restrictions on ammunition sales), the lock on the American people by the UNTED STATES corporation will be complete. The more people out there who are USING it, the harder it will be for them to undo it.