
Reality is Subjective

I was at a party once and got into a conversation with someone regarding the nature of reality (as I often do). As I explained my views on the subject and related my experiences, he began to get more and more agitated and angry. I was upsetting his objective perspective and it was really getting to him. I had experienced this reaction before, so I was not all that surprised, but it again reinforced for me the fear and discomfort people have with the idea of simply taking responsibility for their own reality. It is probably the biggest step towards a higher level of awareness that anyone can take, and it can be a bumpy transition. Most people really do prefer the comfort of the victim mentality. The one thing you have to know, is that you will never be in a position to see clearly, respond appropriately, and control your reality if you remain a victim to outside circumstance.

This is the big secret: Our external reality is a reflection of what we are NOT. Let me rephrase that so there is no confusion. Coming back to the mirror effect – consider your external world as an opposite reflection of your internal self. Everything is turned around to reflect what ISN’T. Examples: Are we physical beings or spiritual beings? Answer: We are spiritual beings, but our reflection is physical. Are we limited or unlimited beings? Answer: We are unlimited, but the reflection is one of limitation. We could go on and on here, but you get the idea. The problem with an objective view is that we embrace the reflection as the truth and never look any further than that. We become the external reflections of who we are NOT! And so our value and sense of self is permanently bonded to external ideas. If we have a good income, we feel good about ourselves, if we have a prestigious career or title, we feel good about ourselves. If other people look up to us and view our external reflection as “positive” we feel good about ourselves. But do you see how limiting this idea is? 

In order to break free of this identification with the external, we must recognize all of the ways we fool ourselves into accepting the reflection as truth. You are not your body, your education, your marriage, your job, your income or anything else external. These are just reflections of what you are not. How can we see the truth of who we really are without first experiencing that which we are not? That is part of our reason for having this physical experience, to truly know what just isn’t so. As long as we embrace the objective “truth” of the external, we by default begin to judge these things as positive or negative, and thus judge ourselves using the external as the criteria.

Getting to the point of recognizing the external as a reflection of the truth is the first step to translating the reflection back into something that makes sense. Once this is truly understood, things will begin to fall into place that you would never have seen before. It requires an understanding of, and a belief in, the holographic nature of reality, and the true power you have to create it. There are some great books on the book list that can help in this respect. One of the most advanced and useful of them is Busting Loose from the Money Game (see the book list for a link). The idea is that whatever is happening in your reality, it is due to power that you are putting into it, and what you get back from it is really up to you. It has nothing to do with the external manifestation, or being a victim of that circumstance. 

Once you begin embracing your power and the experiences that you are creating for yourself, amazing things will begin to happen for you. The ultimate goal is to have enough faith in your higher self and your ability to create your own experience, that you are truly insulated from anything that does not serve you. Maybe your whole neighborhood is wiped out by a hurricane, but your house is unharmed or if it is, you somehow end up getting a better one. This is truly the only way to insure that you are not a victim of outside circumstance. The other important aspect that truly turns the tide, is taming the fear. We attract that which we fear, and rightly so,  as fear is fueled by what we give our power over to. Facing our fears is an opportunity to take that power back, and drain the illusion of the power of the external over us. 

Death continues to be our biggest innate fear, and much of our power is given over to it. Just about anyone who could use this to their advantage is currently doing so. This includes the government (war on terrorism etc.), advertisers, and a host of others. One of the best ways to overcome this fear is to embrace the idea that we all have a specific time, place and method already scripted into our experience for our death. Out of body travelers such as Robert Monroe (see the book list) and others have confirmed that there is a specific death scenario for each incarnation that cannot be changed. It was chosen specifically for this lifetime, and there is no “chance” associated with it. This really startes to make sense when you observe that everyone seems to react differently to the same external circumstances. One person dies from cancer, another one is healed. One person survives a catastrophic accident, and another dies from one. A healthy and fit person gets hit by a car, and an unhealthy person lives longer. 

There is no rhyme or reason to these things, and so we use the objective model and assume that it is all just chance. But there are two things that you can be sure are NOT chance. The first is the time and location of your birth, and the second is the time and location of your death. Your birth time and location are very important as they relate to the energies and positions of the planets and have an effect on the type of person you will be and the experience you will have here. Your higher self has too much at stake to place such details to chance. There are certain objectives which are to be met by you in this life and everything has been put in place for you to meet them. I will expand on this in other pages, but for the full explanation see Matrix V on the book list (not for everyone…).

Just think of the implications of embracing this one idea. YOU CAN NOT DIE BEFORE YOUR TIME. You WILL have the experiences that you were meant to have here, and no “chance” accident is going to shorten your stay. So forget about living in fear of your life – for any reason! This is not to say that you are invincible. If you were to test this theory and jump off of a building right now, well it just might be that you were meant to read this and test the theory as a means of manifesting your planned death! Or, you might find yourself severely injured, but not dead. The point is that knowing that you are not going to die before your time will change your perception of what’s real, and is the first step to taking back your power to create anything you want in your life!




As you might have guessed – I wrote the above information long before there was even an inkling of the Covid-19 “outbreak.” I thought it would be fitting to include an update, just to juxtapose the current narrative with what you just read above. Are you seeing how important it is that they keep the narrative about fear? It has to be about fear – or no one would listen. As you can imagine – a population in full understanding that they are not their objective experience could not be easily controlled. A population without fear cannot be controlled by it. Fortunately, we are in the midst of the “great awakening,” which is the sudden realization by the majority of the world’s population that we have been played, using our weakest vulnerabilities against us. Fear, belief that we are the external, that we could die before our time. People are beginning to realize that without fear, and without giving our power away to some external force, we CAN create our own reality.

Once all of the incredible truths come to light and all are in understanding of what has transpired, there will be unity. We will for the first time be in a  position to truly create from our inner wisdom and light, unhindered and un-manipulated. Synchronistically, we will at the same time have access to all of the hidden technologies and truths that have been hidden away by the elite for hundreds of years. These will catapult us as a people into the future NOW. Imagine how people will respond to the truth that we have had access to time travel, space travel and inter-dimensional communication for over a hundred years! Medical cures for all disease, and how we have been deliberately and systematically poisoned. It’s all been hidden. We’ve even changed timelines. Look into the new information coming out about Tartaria. Where did this come from? Could it have been real? 

My channeled source (the Zohar Council – a 6th dimensional group) have been telling me for years that this is our last lifetime in this “game.” What is coming is the “great reset” into a new and different game. This one is literally ending, and soon. How the transition takes place, and what we will be transitioning into is really up to our newly awakened collective consciousness. As we haven’t fully awakened yet as a planet, there is no blueprint as to what it will be, or how it will occur. That’s still up to us. However – they were able to say that the “contract” which we all agreed to, using the negative factions to limit and deceive us has ended. Therefore, we most likely will be moving into a much more liberating and positive reality moving forward. That doesn’t mean that there might not be more incarnations coming in who would like to play the old game, so perhaps it will continue on in some form somewhere.

Some will stay for the new game we’ll be creating, many will “pass” and exit the playing field. All is by divine order, and while we are being called to wake up as many as possible as quickly as possible, there is a certain amount of pre-destiny going on as well – and those that are not called to stay and push through the transition will be leaving us, either by vaccine, Covid-19, or something else.