
What is Tartaria? Find out all about it here!

Here is a compilation of videos on Tartaria – fascinating! These are just teasers really – there is a lot of research to be done on this. What on earth is going on here? First off realize that most things presented come from BEFORE 1900, with a few more modern photos thrown in – so consider that when viewing the photos. Let’s start with a map – of which there are many. Tartaria (or Tartary as most maps called it) was definitely not a secret before 1900. Somehow it was erased from history and suddenly re-emerged just recently in some releases from Russia (which as you might note from the maps – is where Tartaria used to be). So let’s start with a few maps.

This one from 1754 shows clearly where the territory was then:

This one shows more detail from 1697 – Tartaria is in purple: