
We are Stronger Together

Let’s say for argument’s sake, there’s an average non-compliance rate of 5% across all of corporate America. That’s a massive labor loss, but here’s the kicker: there’s no readily available labor to replace them with. We’re at the point where potential laborers are either committed to Biden bucks, or committed to non-compliance. Not only that, but turnover will dramatically increase among those workers who are vaccinated as they’ll be required to take on more hours with the same stagflation paychecks.

This is common sense. They’re crashing the economy on purpose, folks. That’s their aim. Crash it, burn it, so they can build back better with muh gReAt ReSeT.

Local Action = National Impact

“If and when they need us to actually physically fight, they would sound the alarm and we would answer the call. We are not at that point yet. The DS wants you to start a war…… that is not what we need right now. We need to keep pushing forward with disobedience, non compliance and grass roots activism. Be vocal. Be heard and seen. Keep pushing back. More and more people are waking up and joining the movement. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. Stay strong patriots, the people have the power!”


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