
The Wartime Presidency Part II

The Government in Exile


The Trump administration “officially” came to a end on January 20, 2021 at 12:00 EST.

The deep state breathed a sigh of relief. That troublesome orange man was gone from “their” town and the government could finally get back to its primary mission – making all of them rich.

This was supposed to be the end.

No more Trump.

No more MAGA.

No more ordinary Americans interfering with their plans.

Only that’s not what happened, was it?

MAGA grew – coalescing under alternative social media platforms.

The Biden administration ran into serious competence problems.

And, most irritating of all, Trump started issuing these press statements like he was still President!!

Serious things are afoot – the deep state is starting to realize how much trouble they’ve stumbled into, and they’re realizing they’re deep in the jaws of a trap.

In this article, we’re going to answer the following questions;

  1. What’s Trump been doing since January?
  2. Why might his return have to be extra-constitutional?

Aside: Before we go any further, I’ll remind everyone that this is a fail safe plan in the event other avenues fail. I’ve noticed things that mirror WW2 events that may provide a hint at what’s going on and what might be next.

This also doesn’t mean that I’m right and other authors are wrong – aspects of everyone’s postulations could prove to be true. These are mine – I thank you in advance for your attention.

Let’s step back to our WW2 framework that’s a hallmark of this article series.

A few hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Empire of Japan invaded the Philippines at Bataan Island.

President Manuel L. Quezon immediately rushed to Manila on December 8 despite an illness.

December 16, 1941: President Quezon signs Commonwealth Act No. 671. Legally passed by the Philippine Legislature before the fall of Manila, Act No. 671 was an emergency declaration that authorized the Philippine President to assume extraordinary powers to institute whatever rules and regulations he saw fit to carry out the National Policy.

In other words, the Philippine government knew it was going to fall to the Empire of Japan – so it placed all of its authority in one trusted individual in hopes that as long as that individual survived, so alsowould the legitimate government of the Philippines.

Key point: this was a legal action by the Philippine government to protect itself in dire times.

General Douglas MacArthur sent some of the PT-boat fleet that evacuated him backto the Philippines after his party was on its way to Australia. PT-41 picked up the Quezon party and ferried them to Oroquieta in the Province of Misamis. The Quezon party escaped the Province of Misamis on B-17 bombers which left the Del Monte corporation’s private airfield to make the hop to Australia.

President Quezon communicated with President Roosevelt and requested that the remains of his government should be in Washington DC to conduct matters of state there.

Roosevelt agreed.

The SS President Coolidge left Melbourne Australia on April 20, 1942 under escort by the Cruiser USS St. Louis, and transported the Quezon party to San Francisco, California. They arrived on May 8, 1942 and were met by President Roosevelt in Washington 5 days later.

On May 14, 1942, a luncheon was hosted at the White House where the Government of the United States of America formally recognized the government in exile of the Philippines.

Aside: that official diplomatic recognition by the United States of the government-in-exile of the Philippines was extremely important. We will be coming back to that in a minute.

From May 14, 1942 to February 27, 1945 The Philippine government in exile did not sit on its laurels in DC.

Far from it.

They went around the United States and helped to sell war bonds. They helped to promote the Filipino culture in the United States, they even published a magazine. They participated in the United Nations. They went all out to support the American war effort and President Roosevelt – doing so was vital to getting the Philippines liberated by American forces in 1945.

One of the most important things they did was broadcast a radio message of hope into the occupied nation of the Philippines, and the Empire of Japan was powerless to stop it.

President Manuel L. Quezon died of tuberculosis on August 1, 1944. Vice President Sergio Osmeña was sworn in as President of the Philippines, and assumed the presidency of the reinstated government of the Philippines once the Philippine islands were liberated by US forces.

Now, let’s see what Donald J Trump has been doing;

You’re going to love where this is going.

Issue One: The the notorious P-E-A-D-S

We don’t know what’s exactly in these PEADS (Presidential Emergency Action DocumentS), but I’m 90% sure what was in one;

One of the PEADS activated was an emergency declaration that vested all power of the Chief Executive and whatever Legislative Powers deemed necessary by that trusted person to lead the government-in-exile – AKA the COG or Continuation Of Government. Who was that person?

Donald John Trump

If this sounds a lot like Commonwealth Act No. 671 to you, you would be correct. Act No. 671 is how governments behave before they are overrun and captured by an enemy. I’ll remind you that Trump knew there was rampant election fraud happening – it was observed in 2018 during the midterms. (Note: General Nakasone is the director of the NSA – that’s a rather odd statement to make on Election Day, isn’t it?)

The possibility election fraud would be used to try and unseat him from the White House was a foregone conclusion.

I’ll give you a guess on what went down with one of these PEADS;

Sometime before the election, a PEAD was drafted that would transfer all governing authority to the President of the United States upon a triggering event. That triggering event was proof of a foreign government directly or indirectly colluding with election officials to change the outcome of the election.

On the late evening of November 3, 2020 counting was intentionally stopped with hours of useable time left to finish the count. November 4, 2020 on or around 04:00 that morning –  fraudulent votes were delivered to key ballot counting locations in GA, PA, MI, WI, and AZ. When those made-to-order fraudulent votes were added to the total, they pushed Joe Biden over the margin of victory – barely.

Joseph R. Biden was declared the “winner”.

While all this fraud was going on, the US Military was monitoring the election. (Remember General Nakasone’s tweet?) Election infrastructure was absorbed into critical infrastructure as part of the DHS in 2017 – and the foreign involvement made it a national security issue. The military discovered evidence that a enemy government assisted domestic agents with stealing the election…and that discovery triggered the PEAD.

THIS is the PEAD that – for all intents and purposes – activated devolution. But here’s the thing, we haven’t been thinking big enough.

Remember our history lesson about the government-in-exile of the Philippines. Commonwealth Act No. 671 vested all governing authority of the Philippines into one man, President Manuel L. Quezon.

What if this PEAD did the same thing and now all governing authority for the United States of America now rests in the hands of Donald J. Trump?

If that happened, and I think it did, Trump and the government of the United States now are the same person.

The timing was critical. The PEAD had to be activated prior to the vote counts that declared Biden the winner. While the Democrats were scrambling and cheating to push their zombie candidate across the finish line, the PEAD was already in place and active.

Trump tricked them all! They were fighting for the prize of the presidency…and didn’t see the PEAD snatch the trophy off the table just before they declared themselves the “winner” – Checkmate!

Issue Two: Mike Pompeo’s odd statement

On November 10, 2020, The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said something…odd.

He said “We would be transitioning to a second Trump Presidency.”


  • We’re ready
  • The world is watching
  • We’re going to count ALL the votes
  • There will be electors selected
  • There’s a process – and the constitution spells it out pretty clearly
  • The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary that the State department is functional today, is successful today, and will be successful with the President who is sworn in on January 20th, a minute after noon will also be successful.

Here are Secretary Pompeo’s words if you wish to hear them for yourself:

Now…the MSM had a good laugh at this – accusing Pompeo of fueling the “unfounded” claims of election fraud.

Too bad for them – the meat of what he was saying went right over their heads.

Let’s examine this statement made by Pompeo through the lens of a government-in-exile;

  • We will be transitioning to a 2nd Trump presidency – he won the election, but the nation was invaded. Does this still mean he’s the President? Yes. Was Manuel L. Quezon still President of the Philippines after Manila fell? Yes he was. What if Secretary Pompeo was hinting at a presidency-in-exile?
  • We’re ready – All the PEADS are written and EO’s cut. We have everything we need to conduct business as a government-in-exile
  • The world is watching – You bet they are. VERY closely.
  • We’re going to count ALL the votes – we will need these later to PROVE the election was stolen. In fact, they were probably all counted days before Pompeo made this statement. Or, there was hard evidence that a foreign nation meddled in the election – if the true vote count was corrupted, this would be the evidence that Biden was not the winner.
  • There will be electors selected – yes, because these were needed to secure Trumps presidency-in-exile in full compliance with the law. Remember that the electors are Trump’s people – they may have easily signed NDA’s. Of course, that’s if they were even needed. The PEAD would allow Trump to suspend elections in order to save the nation if he deemed it necessary.
  • There’s a process – and the constitution spells it out pretty clearly – yes it does. We count votes, select electors, elect a President. However, the constitution also gives the President power to act in the event of emergencies and invasion. Once the PEAD was activated that vested governing authority in the current President (Trump), that President could have suspended elections – legally. This is why the timing was critical. The evidence triggering the PEAD had to be uncovered prior to the vote counts being complete and Biden declared winner.
  • The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary that the State department is functional today, is successful today, and will be successful with the President who is sworn in on January 20th, a minute after noon will also be successful. – did you catch the subtle reference to TWO different state departments? Will be successful…will also be successful. Why would America have or need two state departments?

Do you see how Mike Pompeo’s comments make much more sense when viewed through the lens of a government-in-exile?

I can’t stress enough how important this PEAD was. If it created a government-in-exile, Trump could legally suspend elections;

The selection of electors, the vote count on January 6, the theater, the drama…none of it mattered. It was all a distraction.

Did the swearing in of the puppet government in the Philippines matter after Commonwealth Act No. 671?

No – it didn’t. Act No. 671 protected the nation of the Philippines from its Japanese overlords.

The PEAD did the same!

Issue Three: The statements from The 45th President of the United States

On January 25, 2021, the Office of Donald J Trump issued its first press release, on presidential looking letterhead.

Nothing to see here…just a “former” government issuing press releases.

Just like the government-in-exile of the Philippines did 80 years ago.

Also, Trump has been holding meetings with his cabinet.

On July 30, 2021 Mark Meadows, Trump’s former Chief of Staff said Trump met with his cabinet at his New Jersey golf course.

Apoplectic, the press threw around accusations of Trump running a “shadow presidency”. They later dismissed the thought as fantasy; after all, there’s no possible way Trump was President, so what’s the harm in him having a fantasy meeting with his former cabinet?

Just like the government-in-exile of the Philippines did 80 years ago.

Lastly, the Trump administration seems to be conducting diplomatic operations.

Ric Grinnell went to the Balkans as a “special envoy” to broker peace between Serbia and Croatia, and to try to integrate the two economies.

Remember how I mentioned that Secretary Pompeo told the press on November 10, 2020 that there were going to be two state departments? Here’s evidence of that second state department at work in real time!

This is merely one example. Jared Kushner and Mike Pompeo also have had recent international travel plans, haven’t they?

Leftists howl about how Trump is willfully violating the Logan act…but that assumes that Trump isn’t the President. What if he is meeting with foreign leaders and officials as part of his official diplomatic duties as the President of the government-in-exile?

Also, remember from our history lesson that official diplomatic recognition by the United States was critical to the government-in-exile of the Philippines?

Could Trump be seeking the same with select world leaders?

Just like the government-in-exile of the Philippines did 80 years ago.

Are you seeing a pattern here? I think the case can be made that Trump is still the President, and he’s managing a government-in-exile.

Which brings us to our next question;

Why might Trump’s return have to be extra-constitutional?

Answer: Because it doesn’t need to be.

The United States was invaded as I explained in Part 1 of this series.

A PEAD was activated by the emergency situation that placed the power of the US Government into the custody of one man, Donald J Trump.

The Empire of Japan ruled the Philippines…until they didn’t.

Joseph R. Biden is the 46th President of the United States of America…until he’s not.

Once the invaders are removed from power, Trump will be returned to the White House – because that’s following the law. From there, he will resume his presidency and (probably) elections will be held to reconstitute the US government and end the PEAD. What’s the dividing line?


Did you as a member of Congress or Senator benefit from the election theft?

Yes? You’re out and a new election will be held.

No? You are the duly elected representative – period.

Do you see how the constitution isn’t required for Trump to return to power? The Philippine constitution wasn’t needed to restore the government-in-exile, Commonwealth Act No. 671 did that – the PEAD will do the same for Trump.

The Election audits won’t deliver the presidency to Trump. Decertification won’t be necessary – because Trump is already the president-in-exile. Trump can return to Washington, reveal the PEAD (and I think it will need to be revealed) and explain what’s legally required to end the PEAD and resume normal government operations – at any time.

Like I said in Part zero – we’re not thinking BIG enough. When Trump returns, it won’t just effect the office of the President – it will affect the WHOLE of government because the current, puppet state must be removed from power because that’s what the law requires to end the active PEAD and emerge from devolution.

Just like the government-in-exile of the Philippines did 80 years ago.

If the United States was invaded by an enemy, the constitution doesn’t provide much help; after all, there’s no “foreign invasion” clause. There wasn’t a clause like that in the constitution of the Philippines, either.

Sometimes extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures…and extraordinary men.

So how does President Trump build the necessary support to end the government in exile and resume his duties as President of the United States? What’s needed? How do we emerge from devolution?

This one is easy to answer. But you’ll have to wait for Part III.

I thank you for your attention.

Until next time,



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By SLAG  ·  Launched 2 months ago

Mostly speculation and educated guessing