
News Updates – 8/28/21

▫️The Central Command reported that the US launched a drone strike against ISIL in response to the suicide attack of the Islamist terrorist group at the Kabul airport on Thursday, which killed 13 US servicemen and about 170 Afghans. At about the same time on Friday evening, the US Embassy in Kabul posted a warning about the threat of a new terrorist attack at the airport, and also demanded that US citizens “immediately” leave the territory.

▫️According to reports, the Taliban forces entered the military part of the Kabul airport. The US may hand over control of the airport as early as tonight, according to local sources.
The Pentagon denies reports that the Taliban entered the Kabul airport.
BBC sources in Kabul contradict the Pentagon’s denial, claiming that the Taliban have already entered and control the territory of the military part of the airport.

▫️”Federal officials are on high alert for threats to America after the evacuation and the terrorist attack in Kabul,” Al – Jazeera quoted CNN as saying.

▫️Reports from the top leadership of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) show that they instruct active and retired military personnel that they are forbidden to criticize Joe Biden for his complete incompetence, which led to the crisis in Afghanistan.

▫️A group of well-trained veterans of the US armed forces conducts secret rescue operations behind the back of the Biden State Department, saving hundreds of Afghan allies from Afghanistan with their own efforts. The operation was called “Pineapple Express”.

▫️The Taliban announces that citizens must surrender all weapons and government vehicles, all women must have a male escort to leave their homes for a long time.

▫️”I don’t think we can guarantee that Americans who want to get out of Afghanistan will be able to do it after August 31,” Psaki said.

▫️The father of US Marine Kareem Nikoui, who was killed in Afghanistan: “I was happy when my son joined the armed forces under Trump, but Biden turned his back on him.”

▫️Kamala Harris walks away laughing when a reporter asks her if Americans feel “safer” after Biden’s unsuccessful withdrawal from Afghanistan?

▫️Biden chuckles as his handlers chase away reporters shouting questions about the 13 American servicemen killed in the Kabul bombing.

▫️Jill Biden and her dog are spending the holidays in Delaware, leaving Biden alone with the worst week in the office at the White House.

▫️The Pentagon says that only one suicide bomber exploded near the Kabul airport: “We don’t know why the report was provided incorrectly.”

▫️Pentagon spokesman John Kirby says thousands of ISIS prisoners have been released after Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

▫️Biden claims that ISIS is planning “a complex series of attacks on United States personnel.”

▫️Beatrix Von Storch, who is participating in the national elections in Germany against globalist parties, said that the Turkish authorities fear that up to 5 million Afghans may try to migrate illegally after Biden’s catatrophic failure in Afghanistan.

▫️Trump made a statement about the Biden problem in Afghanistan: “This would not have happened if I had been your president.”

▫️”The Taliban now have more Black Hawk helicopters than in 85% of the countries of the world.”

▫️Psaki continues to defend the Taliban, despite the fact that they control the checkpoints that allowed the suicide bomber to reach the airport gates. She says cooperation with the Taliban is still ” necessary.”

▫️Biden says that Trump is to blame for everything when asked if he is responsible for the deaths of American servicemen.

▫️Audit Update in Arizona: State Attorney General Mark Brnovich said that his office has determined that the Maricopa County Supervisory Board violates state laws by failing to comply with the Arizona Senate subpoenas related to the audit 2020 elections. If the supervisory board does not change its course, the Prosecutor General will notify the State Treasurer of the withholding of the state funds allocated to him until the board fulfills this requirement. It can be up to $ 70 million. And according to state laws, they have 30 days to fulfill.

▫️The US intelligence service has completed a 90-day investigation into the origins of the coronavirus and published declassified excerpts from the report to Biden.
As a summary, two conclusions follow: “After studying all the available intelligence and other information, the intelligence community could not come to a consensus on the probable origin of COVID-19. All departments consider two hypotheses likely: natural contact with an infected animal and an incident that occurred in the laboratory.”

▫️Biden accused China of hiding critical information about the origin of the coronavirus and said he would not rest until he received answers.

▫️The killer of Robert F. Kennedy Sirhan Sirhan received parole in California.

▫️The mayor of New Orleans says that there will not be enough time to evacuate residents from the city before Hurricane Ida hits the state.

▫️New Yorkers are struggling with an unprecedented demand for vaccination in New York. A large protest is taking place at the trade union building and the city hall.

▫️The judge refuses to allow Governor DeSantis to ban school masks, says that the Florida leadership exceeds its authority.

▫️Arizona County Sheriff Pinal Mark Lamb: “Obliging people to get vaccinated is weak leadership. It’s about your health, so everyone makes the decision for themselves.”

▫️Daily Mail: “Biden, at the age of 78, suffered from two brain aneurysms and a heart attack that causes dizziness and confusion.”

▫️Tucker Carlson on Fox News: Old Joe “is not just incompetent and weak, he is also delusional, crazy, without a sense of self-esteem.”

▫️YouTube boasts of deleting 10 million videos in a quarter, censoring the truth about COVID-19.

▫️The Capitol Hill officer who killed Ashley Babbitt tells Lester Holt, “I was just doing my job,” ridiculously claiming to have “saved countless lives” of his unarmed victim.

▫️Thousands of teachers across America are signing a pledge to break the law and teach critical racial theory.

▫️The death toll in the explosion in Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan, has reached 13 people.

▫️A mother from Chicago says that a Cook County judge deprived her of her parental rights after learning that she was not vaccinated against COVID-19.

▫️The head of the Ministry of Education denied the allegations that on September 1, children without a coronavirus vaccination will not be allowed to go to school.

▫️Pakistanis with an explosive device were detained at the Turkmen Embassy in Kabul.