
News Updates – 10/17/21

▪️China launched a new hypersonic missile with a nuclear charge, which flew around the globe in low orbit in August, the Financial Times reports.
American intelligence and military officials were stunned.
“We have no idea how they did it,” a source told the Financial Times.
According to the report, the missile missed the target by about 24 miles and caught US intelligence by surprise.

▪️Biden walks around a Washington restaurant without a mask, violating the mandate of the District of Columbia.

▪️Professor Nicholas Giordano: “This is what the government is doing – it wants to intimidate parents. We need to unite and resist.”

▪️The Pennsylvania School Boards Association voted unanimously to terminate membership in the NSBA (National Association of School Boards) because of Biden’s letter in which dissenting parents were classified as domestic terrorists.

▪️The protesters drown out the speech of Jill Biden in the election campaign of one of the Democrats with their shouts.

▪️The US Secretary of the Navy, under the leadership of Lloyd Austin, threatens to force Navy seals to reimburse the cost of their training if they are not vaccinated.

▪️”Illegal Religious Texts” – Apple removes the Quran and Bible apps from the AppStore in China at the request of government officials.

▪️Covid-standoff: The Baltimore Police Union has informed its officers that they have the right not to disclose their coronavirus vaccine status. The head of the Chicago police union also told his officers to ignore the city’s demand for vaccination.

▪️The Nebraska Attorney General issues a conclusion that doctors prescribing HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) and ivermectin for the treatment of COVID will not be punished.

▪️At least 17 Christian missionaries from the United States and their family members were abducted in Haiti. Details are not known.

▪️The Australian island state of Tasmania has imposed a three-day curfew after a COVID-positive New South Wales man violated quarantine and spent time in society.

▪️A member of the British Parliament from the Conservatives, Sir David Amess, died after being stabbed in a local constituency surgery.