
MJ’S COVID BRIDGE GUIDE – Resources and links

[Forwarded from MJTruth (MJTruth (CandlesInTheNight))]

This guide is a collection of information regarding natural ways to stay healthy & medical resources should you contract Covid-19. This is not medical advice. Do your own research before trying anything.

First, the best thing you can do for yourself regarding your health is to live & manage a healthy lifestyle. God gave us everything we need.

– Diet— Buy your food from local farmers markets and butchers. If you have to buy from a grocer, go with your local grocers. Stick to, as best as you can, to one ingredient foods (e.g. A potatoe is a potatoe. A steak is a steak etc) or foods with minimal ingredients. Stick to ingredients you can actually read.

– Exercise as much as you can. I recommend cardio exercise, or anything that gets your heart rate up.

– Sunshine & Fresh Air. Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when outdoors. Most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. Get grounded. Get your feet in the grass to start the exchange of electrons on the earth earth.
Earthing aka Grounding Info (

Remember this is a Respiratory virus, warm fluids (i.e. tea, bouillon, chicken soup), vitamin C, essential oils, steam tents – flush the virus out.

– White Pine Needle Tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory infections. Pine needle tea also kills parasites. Boiling fresh pine needles in order to make a tea is an extraction method that’s commonly used in food science. Pine needle tea contains Suramin, which Dr. Mikovits says is an Antidote. It offers protection against covid “vaccine shedding” which appears to be where vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles.

Pine Needle Tea Info (
Suramin Info (
Source Buy Dr Mikovits Site (
Source Buy Etsy (

– Homemade Hydroxychloroquine
Quinine has been used since the 1600s for treating malaria. Its synthetic forms are Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine.

Recipe & Additional Information (
Instructional Video Here (


– Dr Zelenkos Protocols
Dr. Zelenko’s cure rate was 90 + % and he only treated the elderly and those with comorbidities as part of his risk stratification approach.
Dr Zelenkos Prophylaxis Protocol (
Dr Zelenkos Treatment Protocol (
Dr Zelenkos ZStack Protocol Store (
Treatment For Those who Took The Jab (

– Infusion Centers
These sites provide Regeneron therapies are provided, so I’m confident sharing this info.
These antibody therapies are restricted to certain high-risk patients.
Find a Center Near You (
Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutic Locations (

– America’s Front Line Doctors
AFLD Website ( to set up a Televisit. They will send you the drugs you need.

– IV Clinics
Get large doses of intravenous vitamins. Do a search for IV Clinics near you. Below are a few resources.
IV Therapy Doctors (

Led by Dr Ardis. These doctors will help you get early treatment.

They will write you the prescriptions you need for FREE. If you have a loved one in the hospital, they have lawyers ready to contact the hospital to legally threaten them to put your loved ones on other treatments for FREE.

More & more evidence suggests that people are dying from the CDC/NIH hospital protocols. STAY AWAY FROM REMDESIVIR & VENTILATORS!

– Dr. Bryan Ardis
Dr Ardis Joined General Flynn’s ReAwaken America Tour.
Dr. Ardis explains how hospitals are killing patients using Remdesivir

– The Kate Dalley Show
HOW TO SAVE YOUR LOVED ONES LIFE IF IN A HOSPITAL. This video is what to do & how to do it. What to demand. What treatment.

– FLCCC Protocol
Unless your hospital supports the FLCCC protocol, STAY AWAY! In October 2020, FLCCC added ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. FLCCC regard ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
FLCCC Protocol Info (

In memory of Veronica Wolski.