
FEMA Arrives in Tornado-Stricken Kentucky—With VACCINATIONS

Michael Baxter

The often-sluggish Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) arrived in Kentucky only hours after a freak mid-December tornado outbreak laid waste entire towns and killed over 100 people in a quad-state massacre. The disaster relief agency, however, brought more Covid-19 vaccinations than it did blankets, food, and bottled water, a clear sign that the Deep State-run organization is still trying to coerce law-abiding Americans into taking the jab.

In September Real Raw News reported exclusively on a similar event that took place in Louisiana, in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Residents displaced by the storm got a FEMA ultimatum: Take the jab or forget about entering the disaster zone to recover personal belongings. A FEMA whistleblower told RRN that the agency tricked 500 Louisianians into getting the clot shot.

And since FEMA doesn’t let a good disaster go to waste, it’s up to its old tricks again.

As morning sunlight revealed the devastation in tornado-ravaged Mayfield, Kentucky, hundreds of FEMA personnel, some armed, and hospital nurses conscripted into serving the federal government, rolled into a city turned warzone.

They set up “command centers” in the hardest hit areas, near a candle factory where eight people died in the storm, and a block away from a subdivision where 70 homes had been ripped from their foundations.

A middle-aged woman in shredded clothes and her face encrusted in dried blood hobbled from the rubble and found her way to a FEMA relief station, an olive drab tent guarded by a pair of assault rifle-wielding FEMA agents. Her house, her life, she told them, was gone, lost to the tornado. She’d had one arm wrapped around a banister and the other clutched to her dog when the storm peeled away the roof. The swirling, howling winds yanked her canine companion from her grasp, and it spun up into the vortex. Barely able to speak, she asked for water.

Upon entering the tent, she spied a cooler. The nurse in the tent opened the cooler, which did not hold bottles of chilled water but was filled from bottom to top with vials of Covid-19 vaccinations.

“Have you received your Covid-19 vaccinations and booster shot?” the nurse asked, holding a syringe. “There may be an outbreak in this area.”

The woman’s encounter is not an isolated incident.

A FEMA source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that the Department of Homeland Security has empowered FEMA to withhold disaster relief until persons declare their vaccination status, supply proof of vaccination, or submit to mandatory shots.

“We’re literally turning away the walking wounded if they won’t get a shot. If you want a place to sleep, a blanket, food, or water, you better tell us, and be able to prove, you’ve been vaccinated, or roll up your sleeve. Otherwise, go sleep in the rubble. That’s what people are getting told,” our source said.

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