

His family announced that he was “in perfect health” when he died, as we can see in a podcast filmed the day before with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson.

Dr Rashid was very physically fit but last February, he spent 6 days in an Intensive Care Unit, after he had a stroke and his body retained an astounding 50 pounds of water weight.

He initially thought his illness was due to over-exposure to vaxx shedding from his patients, however, Dr Rashid’s colleague, Dr Tau Braun tweeted that while he was hospitalized, his bloodwork showed that “multiple venom sequences were present” and he said Dr Rashid believed he’d been poisoned with venom just after he did an interview on CNN last October with what amounted to a 200X dose of the Death Shot.

During the CNN interview, host Drew Griffin, who had been force-vaccinated in order to remain employed had asked Dr Rashid if he viewed him as a “time bomb”.

Dr Rashid replied that he hoped to see him in three years but within 8 weeks, Griffin was dead of a fast-acting cancer and now both men are no longer with us.