
Are Vaccines Creating Intra-body nano-networks? CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nano-networks.

Let me cut to the chase, the most shocking takeaway in less than 30 seconds is this (which is copied and pasted from blogpost listed below): 

We’re talking about nanotechnology that recreates the communication technology we already know. But in this case, inside the body

We’re talking about nano-communications. 

And this is the vaccine, ladies and gentlemen. 

The Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines. All of them are nano-technology for nano-communications. So you emit, the vaccinated ones, a MAC address in Bluetooth wireless technology. But you also receive signals as if you were a router.

So if you’re reading this for the first time, that the substance in the c-vaxx injections install nano-technology in the human body for nano-communication, this is going to sound like What the Heck, or WTF?  C-vaxxines are resulting in the human body developing its own MAC address? what planet are you on?  but hold on, this is not quite as far fetched as it may sound.

Please invest 1 to 2 minutes to read the following, if you don’t have time to open up the webpages cited or look at the attached 24 page slide pdf.

Recently, a scientist anonymously named MIK Anderson has come forward to share the attached 24 page slide presentation titled ‘Intra-body nano-network’ and was posted on 12th December 2021 website. The full web page is posted below.

His slide presentation explains most of the strange shapes of weird particles found by several different teams of researchers, Spain and Brazil and South Africa, as documented on daily blog posts on the website going back to June, and also as featured in Stew Peters TV interviews with Dr. Jane Ruby and others.

Separately, a research paper entitled:

CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks

published in 2015 was found to have even given the name CORONA to this bizarre lexicon of nano biochips that are designed to work within the human body (and brain): 

CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks

  • A. TsioliaridouC. Liaskos, +1 authorA. Pitsillides
  • Published 21 September 2015
  • Computer Science, Engineering
  • Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication

The present paper introduces a joint coordinate and routing system (CORONA) which can be deployed dynamically on a 2D ad-hoc nanonetwork. User-selected nodes are used as anchor-points at the setup phase. All nodes then measure their distances, in number of hops, from these anchors, obtaining a sense of geolocation. At operation phase, the routing employs the appropriate subset of anchors, selected by the sender of a packet. CORONA requires minimal setup overhead and simple integer-based calculations only, imposing limited requirements for trustworthy operation. Once deployed, it operates efficiently, yielding a very low packet retransmission and packet loss rate, promoting energy-efficiency and medium multiplexity. 

Now there is even more info about how all these graphene oxide (Quantum Dots) nano-particles are building and replacing our own existing biological neural network

Please take a look as this is really important new information. I’ve summarized first part of this human nano-network as it relates to the brain setup:

What is the nano-network? It is a set of objects and elements with the ability to interact with each other through signals in the form of pulses, electromagnetic waves and electric fields.

There are two types of nano-network:

One that is fixed in the brain and a second that is fixed in the rest of the body.

Brain nano-network: form a neuronal interface to interact with cognitive, physical and electrical processes of the brain activity for

1) neuromodulation, 2) neurostimulation, and 3) neurocontrol.

The brain nano-network interface requires the introduction of carbon nanotubes to link neurons using ‘graphene quantum dots’ and ‎graphene nanosheets.

Carbon nanotubes are coated in hydrogel (which is made up of graphene oxide) act as electrodes, picking up changes in the electrical activity of the brain neurons.

See the attached pdf 24 slide presentation from anonymous scientist regarding ‘Intra-body nano-network’ (posted below). Or go to:

Excerpt from dec 12 2021 post (full page posted below):

Well, the scientist’s pseudonym is Mik Andersen. We’re going to see a brief overview of what intra-body networks are. Now we’re going to talk about nanotechnology. Specifically, about what the elite is trying to do. It’s the future or the purpose of this operation, where Elon Musk is an important piece. Has anyone ever wondered who has given Elon Musk permission so that he could launch thousands of satellites into space? He has a free hand. That’s part of the objective. And also, part of the elite’s plan. Let’s get started.

Artificial neuronal network that will replace the natural one.

Be sure to read the followup blog post

that explains the replacement bio neuro-network that is being  self-assembled after the various c-vaxx injections.

 From this post (from technological parasitism), 

In the most recent program, the biostatistician Ricardo Delgado has commented on a paper that has a direct relation with the construction of the nano-network that makes the inoculates generate MAC addresses.

Ricardo Delgado: “Electromagnetic-based wireless nano-sensor network: architecture and applications.” 

Here we’re getting very close to everything described by Mik Andersen —which is the pseudonym of a great scientist— on the Corona2Inspect blog when he identified all the patterns in the scientific literature with the patterns found in the Pfizer vaccine —which Dr. Campra already analyzed, based on the images. (See yesterday’s blog post for mik Anderson 24 page pdf presentation: )

If you don’t know and if you have been vaccinated, you should know that you have, inside your body, the artillery of nano-sensors, nano-technological nano-routers that, on the one hand, are going to collect all the biomedical electrophysiological markers of the person and, on the other hand, are provoking an artificial neuronal network that will replace the natural one. Hence, strange behaviors occur or, if you’re vaccinated, you might feel particularly strange. We’re talking, if you like, about technological parasitism. Of course, carried out with graphene oxide. 

I’m going to zoom in on it. Let’s look at this paper. This article says, “Recent advances in nano-materials and nano-technology have paved the way for building nanometer-sized integrated devices.” 

This is where I tell you that nanotechnology has come a considerably long way, behind the backs of civil society to get to do this to i

“Referred to as nano-nodes.” 

Unfortunately, our doctors have absolutely no knowledge of this. And yet, they have been set up as the biggest spokesmen in the vaccinology world. ‎

“These nano-nodes are composed of nano-processor, nano-memory, nano-batteries, nano-transceiver, nano-antennas, and nano-sensors that operate at the nano-scale level. They can perform simple tasks such as sensing, computation, and actuation. The interconnection between microdevices and nano-nodes / nano-sensors has enabled the development of a new network standard called Wireless Nano-Sensor Network (WNSN). This paper provides an in-depth review of the Wireless Nano-Sensor Network (WNSN), its architectures, application areas and challenges, which need to be addressed while identifying opportunities for its implementation in various application domains.” 

Corona2Inspect blog when he identified all the patterns in the scientific literature with the patterns found in the Pfizer vaccine —which Dr. Campra already analyzed—, based on the images. 

This is where I tell you that nanotechnology has come a considerably long way, behind the backs of civil society to get to do this to it. 

In other words, we’re talking about nanotechnology that recreates the communication technology we already know. But in this case, inside the body. We’re talking about nano-communications. And this is the vaccine, ladies and gentlemen. The Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines. All of them are nano-technology for nano-communications. So you emit, the vaccinated ones, a MAC address in Bluetooth wireless technology. But you also receive signals as if you were a router

You can check it out at any time. Well, here’s the PDF, and you can download it. Of course, the material that shows up here… It’s got to show up somewhere. It’s the same old material. Here it is. 

“Antennas, particularly graphene-based.” Can you read it? Here I’m going to highlight it. “Graphene.” Here it is. See? It couldn’t be any other way. 

Do you understand why they want to hide the graphene found in vaccines? See the web page below!

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Intra-body nano-network

DECEMBER 12, 2021

La Quinta Columna has shared a summary of the intra-body nano-network that forms after each inoculation the population receives. The author of this summary is Mik Andersen, owner of the research blog Corona2Inspect, who’s a renowned scientist who has chosen to collaborate with La Quinta Columna and Dr. Pablo Campra’s research under a pseudonym.

This nano-network described by Andersen is the one that would allow the neurostimulation of the population through a network designed for this purpose. 

Many indications confirm that neuromodulation is the real purpose of the operation behind the global inoculation, ranging from the enactment of neuro-rights laws in some countries to the structuring of the same nano-network that is being deciphered, which would be a very advanced military technology.

This summary originally shared in Spanish has been brought to English by Orwell City, together with an excerpt from La Quinta Columna’s program in which this work is presented

Link: Rumble


Ricardo Delgado: Right now, we’re going to see a summary made by a great scientist that we’re going to protect under a pseudonym that you already know very well. He has identified all the images, with parameters from the scientific literature, taken from the analysis of the vaccines that Dr. Campra has carried out. Let’s see it. Let’s share a screen. Now I understand you guys are watching the screen, right? There you go. That’s right. 



Well, the scientist’s pseudonym is Mik Andersen. We’re going to see a brief overview of what intra-body networks are. Now we’re going to talk about nanotechnology. Specifically, about what the elite is trying to do. It’s the future or the purpose of this operation, where Elon Musk is an important piece. Has anyone ever wondered who has given Elon Musk permission so that he could launch thousands of satellites into space? He has a free hand. That’s part of the objective. And also, part of the elite’s plan. Let’s get started. 

Diagram of the intra-corporal network. Let’s look at this diagram, and with it, we’ll understand everything. 

In this diagram, we can see all the components that are introduced into the body after each inoculation. Together, they act as a network for monitoring the human body. And on the one hand, as I say, we’re talking about monitoring. Mapping. But perhaps the most worrying thing is… This is already worrying because you have been branded like cattle. But the most worrying thing is neurostimulation. That is, remember that a router sends signals, but it also receives them.

In this case, these nanorouters will send information on vital signs, heart activity, attention, blood glucose level, etc. But you can also send signals to them. And as a consequence of sending these signals, changes in biology can occur. Or behavioral changes if we’re talking about an intra-brain nano-network. In this case, we’re talking about intracorporeal. Together, they act as a network for monitoring the human body. 

These images that you see here are extracted, on the one hand, from the scientific literature and compared with the Pfizer vaccine obtained by Dr. Campra through optical and electron microscopy. Components of the intra-body nano-network. Those that have been identified are carbon nanotubes and their derivatives, graphene quantum dots, hydrogel swimmers, graphene fractal nanoantennas, nanorouters or nano controllers, CODEC or nanointerface. OK? That is, encoders to encrypt information in communication. 

Remember that we’re talking about a technology that’s being decrypted, but it’s a very advanced military technology. And, of course, developed behind the back of civil society. In fact, behind the backs of 80% of civil society who think that this is a vaccine. So the first thing, as I say, is to reset all the information and provide the correct information, even if it’s shocking. In the topology of the nano-network we talk about nanonodes, nanosensors, nanocontrollers, and nanointerface. This is a summary diagram.

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