
Biderman’s Chart of Coercion – Written in 1956 and being used today

This is enlightening in consideration of where we are today!

In this video Dana goes over the contents of an incredible document that discusses what tactics 6OVERNMENTS have used to coerce behavior from its citizens for decades. The documents’ author was an expert on M1ND C0NTROL and shares what steps are FUNDAMENTAL in bringing about psychological compliance in people. This history lesson you never had in school will shed great insights to arm you with deeper knowledge and understanding.




Biderman’s Chart of Coercion

A tool designed to demonstrate and explain the coercive methods of stress manipulation used to torture prisoners of war. It has been applied to explain the coercive techniques used by perpetrators of domestic abuse.

This list directly reflects the original chart, it has not been changed to fit the domestic abuse context.

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Effect and Purpose



Deprives victim of all social support of their ability to resist.
Develops an intense concern with self (this could be home environment)

Makes victim dependent.

Complete solitary confinement Complete or partial isolation Group Isolation


Monopolisation of Perception

Fixes attention upon immediate predicament.
Eliminates information not in compliance with demands. Punishes independence and /or resistance.

Physical isolation Darkness or Bright light Restricted movement Monotonous Food

Humiliation and Degradation

Makes resistance more ‘costly’ thancompliance.
‘Animal Level’ concerns.


Personal hygiene prevented Demeaning Punishments Insults and taunts
Denial of Privacy



Weakens mental and physical ability to resist.

Sleep deprivation Prolonged interrogation Overexertion



Creates anxiety and despair Outlines cost of non-compliance

Threats to kill
Threats of abandonment/non- return
Threats against family
Vague Threats
Mysterious changes of treatment.

Occasional indulgences

Positive motivation for compliance. Hinders adjustment to deprivation

Occasional favours
Rewards for partial compliance Promises

Demonstrating Omnipotence

Suggests futility of resistance

Showing complete control over victims face

Forcing trivial demands

Develops habit of compliance

Enforcement of ‘rules’

Amnesty International (1994)